Saturday, December 7, 2013


I have wanted to be totally honest and transparent in this blog with my weight loss journey...  So you can see from my title that I am struggling right now...  I weighed in last week with a gain so I was going to brush it off but I am really struggling right now...  I go to weigh in on Monday and I am pretty sure I have gained again...  I really got to get a hold of this mess I have totally  not tracked the last few weeks and have just snacked a lot...  I know its that time of the year with all the holidays right now but I just don't want to blame it on that right now...  So here is my honesty when this happens I totally feel like a loser even though I know I am not...  I am going to make this post a short one and just ask for your prayers because I know with God all things are possible.....

1 comment:

  1. I know what a struggle it is, especially this time of year. Start tracking again and stick to what you know works...clean eating is going to make you healthy, happy, and I know you can do it! Don't give up! Just start another new day like its your first and have faith God will keep you on track! Praying for you girl!
