Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Its been a long time...

Yes its been since the start of summer that I have posted in my blog....  That's just way way too long, so I promise to stay up with it now...
I had a really busy summer with two family members graduations, kiddos going to VBS, camp and being out of town for business myself...  Last weekend I attended the first of four weddings for this year...

So since I started my weight loss journey in January of this year 2012, I have every week posted my loss or gain on my facebook page...  Well since that time I have really started to notice something that has started to bother me a great deal...

It seems like to me when I have a big loss for a week there is all kinds of support pouring in from everywhere..  When I have a smaller loss there is still some support but not never as much...  Now here is the big one when I have a week (not many I will add) that I gain a little bit or stay the same there is little support...

Now as I am eight in half months into my journey its really gotten to me and really hurts my feelings...  Whether I am having a great loss that week or a smaller loss that week I really feel like the support should always be the same...
I do still have lot of weight to lose, I know that I will reach my goal there is not doubt about that in my mind..  It just really makes that journey that much easier with the equal support of those around me and in cyber land....

So  the last two weeks I haven't posted on my facebook page about my weight loss to see what happened and not to my surprise I haven't had but a hand full of people ask me how my last two weeks have went, and the funny thing is you don't even have to see me in person to ask either...  With all the technology of today from text message, email and social media its one of the easiest times to keep in touch....

So I  have decided to no longer post on facebook my numbers for weight loss...  I will instead post a blog update each week...   I know it will take a bit more effort to open up this blog but I really feel those who want to support me will take the time to read each week and those that really don't won't take the time...

It takes a lot for me to step out of that box of comfort and be that honest about how this has bothered me...  Thank you to God for giving me the strength each day that I need....

So the weight update...  As of Monday the 17th I am down 60 pounds....


  1. Awww Shauntele!! I'm sorry. You know I support you girl, and I think you are doing amazing. I have been there, and it is HARD. You are my motivation now too, because I have totally slipped and starting to fall right into my bad habits. Keep at it girl!! You'll get there. <3 you!

  2. Thank you Dasha for all your awesome support and your kind words.... I believe in you my friend you can get back on track.... You keep up the great work you look great.... :)
